ORCESTRA Science Seminars

ORCESTRA Science Seminars#

On ground days we offer science talks to share the work of the scientists. The slides of the talks are provided here.




15 Aug, 11 LT

Jonas von Bismarck (ESA)

ORCESTRA in the context of the EarthCARE campaign

Nina Robbins (UHH)

Characterizing trade wind cold pool cloud holes

19 Aug, 11 LT

Marius Rixen (MPI-M)

What controls humidity haloes surrounding trade wind clouds?

Clara Bayley (MPI-M)

Modelling rain evaporation during EUREC\(^4\)A

23 Aug, 10.15 LT

Martin Singh (Monash University)

ITCZ edge intensification: insight from simplified modelling

Basile Poujol (LMD)

Convective clouds as dipoles

26 Aug, 10.15 LT

Paula Romero Jure (University of Leeds)

Physical drivers of high clouds’ radiative effects in the Tropical Pacific

Ezri Alkilani-Brown (University of Leeds)

Quantifying graupel in deep convective clouds

Daniel Rowe (CMIH)

The Relationship between Sea surface temperatures and tropical waves in the main developing region

Chavez Pope (CMIH)

Severe weather case catalogue for the Carribean

30 Aug, 11 LT

Louis Netz (CNRS)

Organization of deep convection and morphology of tropical convective systems - Insights from satellite observations

Henriette Gebauer (TROPOS)

Preliminary results of CLARINET

1 Sep, 10.15 LT


Preliminary results of different parts in ORCESTRA

11 Sep, 11 LT

Julia Windmiller (MPI-M)

The calm and variable inner life of the ITCZ: The relationship between the doldrums and surface convergence

16 Sep, 14 LT

André Ehrlich (LIM)

Quantifying the drivers of large-scale cloud radiative effects and EC-MSI Validation

18 Sep, 16 LT

Ankeem Dawes (CIMH)

Application of the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) in Meteorology with the Weather Research and Forecasting Model (WRF)

20 Sep, 11 LT

Wei-Ting Hsiao (FSU)

Spatially and temporally non-uniform convective-radiative feedback over the tropics