Sub-Cloud Observations of Rain Evaporation

Lead PI: Raphaela Vogel (UHH)

SCORE is the initiative targeting observations of sub-cloud layer rain evaporation at the Barbados Cloud Observatory (BCO). It has four objectives:

  • Assess the robustness of new techniques to retrieve rain evaporation and downdraft profiles from shallow cumulus that will be applied to the entire BCO record as part of the ERC project ROTOЯ

  • Test the applicability of the retrieval techniques for deep convective clouds

  • Quantitatively constrain how much it rains at the BCO

  • Link the campaign data to the longterm measurements at the BCO

SCORE will achieve these objectives by complementing the large suite of remote-sensing and in-situ measurements at the BCO with (1) a horizontally scanning X-band rain radar to be deployed at the former PoldiRad site and (2) radiosonde launches at 6-hourly intervals and targeting specific rain systems.

SCORE is funded by the CLICCS excellence cluster (UHH), MPI and ERC.