
The ORCESTRA data is stored via an InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). The latest dataset is available at /ipns/

For a first overview and to browse the data, checkout the public gateway:

It is recommended to use your own local gateway for an accelerated access.

More about IPFS

IPFS is a modular suite of protocols for organizing and transferring data, designed from the ground up with the principles of content addressing and peer-to-peer networking. Because IPFS is open-source, there are multiple implementations of IPFS. While IPFS has more than one use case, its main use case is for publishing data (files, directories, websites, etc.) in a decentralised fashion. (Source)


If you like to find out more about our data concept, have a look here.


Available data

More information about data products will follow soon.

💡 Do you want to contribute or did you figure out that your data is missing? Feel free to open an issue or contact us.

Working with the data#

If you like to work with the data, feel free to have a look into the script examples (marked with Ex [NN]) listed in the left column below the data section. Also feel free to contribute with your own script to this website.

Supporting data#

Numerical simulations - Limited area model#

To support the campaign, we performed daily hindcasts of the atmospheric conditions in the campaign region. The whole dataset is stored on the supercomputer Levante hosted by the DKRZ and is accessible on demand. It comprises of high-sampling rate 2D and 3D snapshots of key variables.

Visualisations of individual variables for each day are given here. An example of such a visualisation is shown below.

Tracks of ATR-42, HALO and RV METEOR simulated with the Limited Area Model throughout the campaign (by R. Fievet).

Data Policy#

ORCESTRA encourages free use and access to its data and relies on the integrity of the scientific community to ensure that this open data policy does not diminish the contributions of those who collected these data.

ORCESTRA data are a product of the collective efforts of various independent research groups, whose efforts have often benefited from financial support by external funding agencies. The data represents years of work in developing, certifying, and operating instruments, often tied to specific research or Ph.D. projects. We ask users to respect the priority of the data collectors by coordinating their use of ORCESTRA data with the Principal Investigators (PIs) responsible for the data collection, and by clearly acknowledging the source of the data used in all publications and presentations.

For publications using ORCESTRA data, please include this acknowledgement:

“ORCESTRA was made possible thanks to the support of the Max Planck Society (MPG), the European Research Counceil through Grant No. (XXX), the German Research Foundation (DFG), the German Aerospace Center (DLR), the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF), the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), the European Space Agency (ESA), and the US National Science Foundation (NSF), through Grant No. YYY”. [The specific data used in this study was made available by instution/person XY thanks with partial support from agency XYZ]

To ensure the recognition of contributions to the data collection, while promoting its open and respectful use.