

Available data

Data Browser#

The ORCESTRA Data Browser is a low-threshold entry point to explore the ORCESTRA datasets currently available via IPFS.

The data browser retrieves all information on-demand from the metadata in the datasets. In order for the data browser to correctly identify and parse relevant information, we have created the ORCESTRA attribute convention.

💡 Do you want to contribute or did you figure out that your data is missing? Feel free to open an issue or contact us.

Supporting data#

Numerical simulations - Limited area model#

To support the campaign, we performed daily hindcasts of the atmospheric conditions in the campaign region. The whole dataset is stored on the supercomputer Levante hosted by the DKRZ and is accessible on demand. It comprises of high-sampling rate 2D and 3D snapshots of key variables.

Visualisations of individual variables for each day are given here. An example of such a visualisation is shown below.

Tracks of ATR-42, HALO and RV METEOR simulated with the Limited Area Model throughout the campaign (by R. Fievet).