ec_north ec_under ec_track c_north c_mid c_south c_atr ec_southCrew#
Forian Ewald, Tanja Bodenbach, Georgios Dekoutsidis, Theresa Mieslinger, Sophie Rosenburg, Lea Volkmer, Bjorn Stevens, Martin SinghTrack#
Describe the meteorology
Describe the flight execution
EarthCare Underpass#
HALO-20240813a underpass distance 31 m at 2024-08-13T15:39:53.0 s
(itemized list of things you saw)
north of the ITCZ edge shallow clouds were overlayed by a heavy dust layer. Cirrus clouds aloft.
about 138 nm from SAL there was an abrupt drop of about 5mm in the PW
EC meeting point at 15:41:30 UTC on slightly lower FL360
passing by the northern circle on the EC track there are very calm surface winds obvious from a narrow sun glint spot in specMACS and high radar reflectivity from the surface at around 15:55 UTC
Co-location with ATR and EarthCARE over an aerosol layer near SAL. Spectacular line of convection on southern edge toward the west.

Scientific Crew

Developing cell with blow-off (17:01:53 UTC)

Close up of leading cell on line (17:03:06 UTC)

Line from south (18:29:07 UTC)

Cloud bow on return (19:07:16 UTC)

Sun setting in dirt (20:06:16 UTC)
Instrument status & quicklooks#
Instrument |
Operational |
Comment |
✅ |
no entry |
✅ |
no entry |
Dropsondes |
✅ |
50 sondes in total, 1 on the EC track and 49 sondes distributed over 4 circles with 1 launch detect failure in `c_north` |
✅ |
no entry |
PI-Camera |
✅ |
MM-DD:hh:mm:ss reset based on Bjorn’s watch (within 1s of Bahamas time) betwen DSC_6548 and DSC_6549, year inadvertently set to 2019 |
Smart |
✅ |
Upper sensor was fixed and the downward irradiance Fdw has to be corrected. For quicklooks the offset angles have been approximated so Fdw has to be regarded as preliminary. |
SpecMACS |
✅ |
Nadir measurements started about 20 min after takeoff due to temperature issues. Some ice on one of the side cameras just before it got dark. Measurements stopped at 20:30 UTC due to darkness. |
✅ |
VELOX fully functional; KT-19 affected by condensation |
✅ |
no entry |




HAMP EarthCARE underpass

Radar during EarthCARE underpass

KT19 Timeseries of brigthness temperature.

SMART Time series of upward and downward spectral irradiadiance, and albedo.
specMACS RGB snapshots from polb (lower right) with EarthCARE underpass marked in red. Find further quicklooks here.

VELOX broadband channel with EC Overpass

WALES (backscatter, polarization and humidity) at EC overpass

WALES (3d backscatter)

WALES (cross section)