Flight plan - ATR-20240829a#
ec_under c_atrFlight plan#
The flight is planned to take off at 2024-08-29 13:50:00+00:00 UTC and land at 2024-08-29 17:20:00+00:00 UTC.
Flight track designed for coordination with EarthCare.
The KingAir will also fly with the ATR around
.From now own, flights in the subcloud layer will be done around 250m instead of 150m. This will better allow the study of the connection between boundary layer themrals and the cloud base. It will also active the low antennas of RASTA.
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from orcestra.flightplan import sal, bco, LatLon, IntoCircle, path_preview, plot_cwv
from datetime import datetime
import intake
cat = intake.open_catalog("https://tcodata.mpimet.mpg.de/internal.yaml")
date_time = datetime(2024, 8, 28, 12, 0, 0)
date_time_str = date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
flight_time = datetime(2024, 8, 29, 12, 0, 0)
radius = 70e3 # units: km
circle_atr = LatLon(lat=15.807, lon=-24.859, label="circle_atr")
halo_circle = IntoCircle(circle_atr, radius, 360)
airport = sal
wp1 = LatLon(lat=15.662, lon=-24.818, label='wp1')
ec1 = LatLon(lat=14.779, lon=-25.085, label='ec1')
ec_meet = LatLon(lat=15.231, lon=-24.997, label='ec_meet')
ec2 = LatLon(lat=15.679, lon=-24.909, label='ec2')
wp2 = LatLon(14.798, lon=-25.176, label='wp2')
path = [airport, wp1, ec1, ec_meet, ec2, wp2, airport]
ds = cat.HIFS(refdate=date_time_str, reftime=date_time.hour).to_dask()
cwv_flight_time = ds["tcwv"].sel(time=flight_time, method = "nearest")
ax = path_preview(path)
path_preview([circle_atr.course(0, radius), halo_circle], ax=ax) # HACK: Add HALO circle
ax.scatter(circle_atr.lon, circle_atr.lat, color="tab:orange")
ax.text(circle_atr.lon+0.05, circle_atr.lat, color="tab:orange", s='HALO_Circle', bbox=dict(facecolor='white',edgecolor='white', boxstyle='round,pad=0.1'))
ax.set_extent([-26, -22.5, 14.5, 17])

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import pandas as pd
from dataclasses import asdict
pd.DataFrame.from_records(map(asdict, path+[circle_atr])).set_index("label")
lat | lon | fl | time | note | |
label | |||||
SAL | 16.734488 | -22.943974 | 0.0 | None | None |
wp1 | 15.662000 | -24.818000 | NaN | None | None |
ec1 | 14.779000 | -25.085000 | NaN | None | None |
ec_meet | 15.231000 | -24.997000 | NaN | None | None |
ec2 | 15.679000 | -24.909000 | NaN | None | None |
wp2 | 14.798000 | -25.176000 | NaN | None | None |
SAL | 16.734488 | -22.943974 | 0.0 | None | None |
circle_atr | 15.807000 | -24.859000 | NaN | None | None |
Job |
Name |
Pilot |
Dominique Duchanoy |
Pilot |
Guillaume Seurat |
Mechanics |
Thierry André |
Expé Principal |
Benoît Celou |
Expé |
Hubert Bellec |
PI |
Marie Lothon |
Sophie Bounissou |
Valentin Guillet |
Microphys 1 |
Alfons Schwarzenboeck |
Microphys 2 |
Guy Lefebvre |
Julien Delanoë |
Christophe Legac |