Flight plan - HALO-20240923a#

ec_under c_mid c_south





Theresa Mieslinger


Konstantin Krüger


Janina Böhmeke


Helene Glöckner


Patrizia Schoch


Anja Stallmach

Flight Documentation

Romain Fievet

Ground contact

Sebastian Ortega and Alessandro Savazzi

Flight plan#

crew = {'Mission PI': 'Theresa Mieslinger',
        'DropSondes': 'Helene Glöckner',
        'HAMP': 'Janina Böhmeke',
        'SMART/VELOX': 'Patrizia Schoch',
        'SpecMACS': 'Anja Stallmach',
        'WALES' : 'Konstantin Krüger',
        'Flight Documentation': 'Romain Fievet',
        'Ground Support': 'Sebastian Ortega and Alessandro Savazzi'
from datetime import datetime
import orcestra.sat
from orcestra.flightplan import tbpb, point_on_track, LatLon, IntoCircle, FlightPlan, aircraft_performance, vertical_preview
import topojson
import json

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import easygems.healpix as egh
import intake
from orcestra.flightplan import plot_cwv, plot_path, plot_fir
import numpy as np

General definitions#

flight_time   = datetime(2024, 9, 23, 12, 0, 0)
flight_index = f"HALO-{flight_time.strftime('%Y%m%d')}a"

bco = LatLon(13.16263889, -59.42875000, "BCO", fl=0)

radius = 72e3*1.852
radius_meteor = 72e3

Load IFS forecast#

ifs_fcst_time = datetime(2024, 9, 22, 12, 0, 0)
ds = intake.open_catalog("https://tcodata.mpimet.mpg.de/internal.yaml").HIFS(datetime = ifs_fcst_time).to_dask().pipe(egh.attach_coords)
cwv_flight_time = ds["tcwv"].sel(time=flight_time, method = "nearest")

Load EC track#

ec_fcst_time  = "2024-09-22"
ec_track = orcestra.sat.SattrackLoader("EARTHCARE", ec_fcst_time, kind="PRE",roi="BARBADOS") \
    .sel(time=slice(f"{flight_time:%Y-%m-%d} 14:00", None))
/home/runner/miniconda3/envs/orcestra_book/lib/python3.12/site-packages/orcestra/sat.py:195: UserWarning: You are using an old forecast (issued on 2024-09-22) for EARTHCARE on 2024-09-23! The newest forecast issued so far was issued on 2024-09-23. It's a PRE forecast.

Meteor coordination after take-off#

c_climb = bco.assign(lon=bco.lon+0.61, label="c_climb", fl=150, note="circle to climb up to FL360 and start up all the instruments")
c_meteor = c_climb.course(90, 7e3).assign(label="c_meteor", fl=410)
wp_meteor = LatLon(bco.lat, c_meteor.lon - 0.665)

lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = -60, -57.5, 12.4, 14

plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_extent([lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False, alpha = 0.25)

plan = FlightPlan([
    wp_meteor.assign(fl=150, label="wp_meteor"),
    IntoCircle(c_climb, radius=65e3, angle=350),
    IntoCircle(c_meteor, radius=radius_meteor, angle=360),
], aircraft="HALO")
plot_path(plan, ax, color="C1")
plt.scatter(wp_meteor.lon, wp_meteor.lat, color="C2", marker="o")
Detailed Overview:
              TBPB         N13 04.48, W059 29.55, FL000, 11:04:16 UTC, 
to            wp_meteor    N13 09.76, W059 25.15, FL150, 11:05:25 UTC, 
circle around c_climb      N13 09.76, W058 49.12, FL150, 11:05:26 UTC - 11:42:02 UTC, radius: 35 nm, 350° CW, enter from west, circle to climb up to FL360 and start up all the instruments
circle around c_meteor     N13 09.76, W058 45.25, FL410, 11:42:03 UTC - 12:14:12 UTC, radius: 39 nm, 360° CW, enter from west

Flight path#

Hide code cell source
c_climb = bco.assign(lon=bco.lon+0.61, label="c_climb", fl=150)
wp_meteor = LatLon(bco.lat, c_meteor.lon - 0.665)
c_meteor = c_climb.course(90, 7e3).assign(label="c_meteor", fl=410)
c_south  = LatLon(lat=10.5, lon=-46).assign(label = "c_south", fl=450)
ec_north = point_on_track(ec_track, lat=12.9).assign(label="ec_north")
ec_under = point_on_track(ec_track, lat=11.025, with_time=True).assign(label="ec_under", note="meet EarthCARE")
ec_south = point_on_track(ec_track, lat=9.15).assign(label="ec_south")

waypoints = [
    wp_meteor.assign(fl=150, label="wp_meteor"),
    IntoCircle(c_climb, radius=65e3, angle=360),
    IntoCircle(c_meteor, radius=radius_meteor, angle=360),
    IntoCircle(tbpb.towards(c_south, fraction=.5).assign(fl=430, label="c_mid"), radius, -360),
    IntoCircle(tbpb.towards(c_south, fraction=.75).assign(fl=450, label="c_ec"), radius, -360),
    IntoCircle(c_south.assign(fl=450), radius, -360),
    point_on_track(ec_track, lat=11.1).assign(fl=450, label="wp_home"),
    IntoCircle(tbpb.towards(c_south, fraction=.25).assign(fl=450, label="c_west"), radius, -360),
    wp_meteor.assign(fl=150, label="wp_meteor"),

plan = FlightPlan(waypoints, flight_index, crew=crew, aircraft="HALO")
print(f"Take-off: {plan.takeoff_time:%H:%M %Z}\nLanding:  {plan.landing_time:%H:%M %Z}\nDuration:  {plan.duration}\n")
Take-off: 11:04 UTC
Landing:  20:16 UTC
Duration:  9:12:28.486656

Plotting flight path on CWV#

Hide code cell source
lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = -65, -40, 5, 17 #-65, -20, 0, 20

plt.figure(figsize = (14, 8))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.set_extent([lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max], crs=ccrs.PlateCarree())
ax.gridlines(draw_labels=True, dms=True, x_inline=False, y_inline=False, alpha = 0.25)
plt.title(f"{flight_time}\n(CWV forecast issued on {ifs_fcst_time})")

plot_cwv(cwv_flight_time, levels = [48.0, 50.0, 52.0, 54.0, 56.0, 58.0, 60.0], ax=ax)
plt.plot(ec_track.lon, ec_track.lat, c='k', ls='dotted')
plot_path(plan, ax, color="C1")


  • we start our flight with a small circle to climb up to FL410 (c_climb)and ramp up all instruments east of Barbados.

  • we continue with a circle of 72km radius c_meteor in coordination with Meteor measurements (within the SEA-POL scan range) and with dropping 12 sondes. Meteor plans to sit at the western most point of the circle and we might overpass it twice.

  • we continue circling our way east c_mid, c_ec, c_south and with 12 sondes per circle.

  • we will next go on the EarthCARE track entering it at ec_south, meet EC at 17:22:37 UTC at ec_under, and continue to ec_north. A procedure turn will bring us back to on the EC track to the waypoint wp_home

  • we head home and do one last circle c_west on the way, again with 12 sondes.

In total we plan to throw 5*12=60 sondes.

Waypoint coordinates and times#

Hide code cell source
Detailed Overview:
              TBPB         N13 04.48, W059 29.55, FL000, 11:04:16 UTC, 
to            wp_meteor    N13 09.76, W059 25.15, FL150, 11:05:25 UTC, 
circle around c_climb      N13 09.76, W058 49.12, FL150, 11:05:26 UTC - 11:43:05 UTC, radius: 35 nm, 360° CW, enter from west
circle around c_meteor     N13 09.76, W058 45.25, FL410, 11:43:05 UTC - 12:15:15 UTC, radius: 39 nm, 360° CW, enter from west
circle around c_mid        N11 52.07, W052 42.88, FL430, 12:58:22 UTC - 13:57:23 UTC, radius: 72 nm, 360° CCW, enter from west
circle around c_ec         N11 12.17, W049 20.97, FL450, 14:23:40 UTC - 15:22:12 UTC, radius: 72 nm, 360° CCW, enter from west
circle around c_south      N10 30.00, W046 00.00, FL450, 15:48:22 UTC - 16:46:55 UTC, radius: 72 nm, 360° CCW, enter from west
to            ec_south     N09 09.00, W049 21.77, FL450, 17:07:41 UTC, 
to            ec_under     N11 01.50, W049 00.37, FL450, 17:22:26 UTC, meet EarthCARE
to            ec_north     N12 54.00, W048 38.80, FL450, 17:37:11 UTC, 
to            wp_home      N11 06.00, W048 59.52, FL450, 17:51:21 UTC, 
circle around c_west       N12 29.55, W056 05.74, FL450, 18:37:12 UTC - 19:35:45 UTC, radius: 72 nm, 360° CCW, enter from east
to            wp_meteor    N13 09.76, W059 25.15, FL150, 20:15:35 UTC, 
to            TBPB         N13 04.48, W059 29.55, FL000, 20:16:44 UTC,